Bhartiya Vayu Sena Airman Group 'Y' Non Technical Trade 30 Practice Sets (Hindi)

135.00 90.45
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Experts Compilation

Publisher Arihant Publications India
ISBN -10 D586
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Indian Air Force has invited online applications from unmarried male for the recruitment of Group Y Non-Technical Trades. Applicants will have to appear for a written test in the first phase of the selection process, followed by an interview as the basis of their appointment. 30 Practice Sets for Indian Air Force Airman Group ‘Y’ Examination have been carefully compiled for aspirants to get away with their initial qualms about the exam.  Each practice set covers ample variety of questions covering complete syllabus as per the exam pattern.
A separate Current Affairs segment given at the end of the book will update students on latest significant events and happenings around the globe, ensuring success in the exam.

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