Circuits And Networks

ISBN: 9789339219604
525.00 446.25
Book Author

A Sudhakar

Publisher Mc-Graw Hill
ISBN -13 9789339219604
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The revision of this extremely popular text, Circuits and Networks: Analysis and Synthesis, comes at a time when the industry is increasingly looking to hire engineers who are able to display learning outcomes as opposed to rote learning. The book has been revised based on internationally accepted Learning Outcomes required from a course on Circuits and Networks. Additionally, key pedagogical aids, such as questions from previous year question papers have been added afresh to further help students in preparing for this course and its examinations. What remains unchanged is the student friendly approach but the user engagement has been improved through offering a hybrid learning environment. For the tech savvy, the practice of MCQs in a digital and randomized environment will provide thrill.

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