Midwifery Casebook: A Practical Record of Maternal and Newborn Nursing for GNM Students

ISBN: 9789352705139
595.00 416.5
Book Author

Annamma Jacob

Publisher Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
ISBN -13 9789352705139
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The fourth edition of the casebook retains all the contents and features of the previous edition of the book with few modifications in the nursing care pages. These pages are included in different sections with more space for each column of the nursing process format for students to document the nursing care for mothers and newborns. The modification are made as desired by a large number of student midwives.
Key Features
• A carefully planned and diligently arranged text for planning, providing and documenting nursing care to mothers and newborns.

• Fulfills the INC syllabus requirements for GNM nursing course.

• Includes brief notes on midwifery topics, nursing process and clinical nursing procedures for mothers and neonates.

• Includes nursing care study formats for prenatal, intranatal and neonatal clients.
Target Audience
GNM Nursing Students

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