43 Years' Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers IIT JEE Chemistry

ISBN: 9789325796140
475.00 270.75
Book Author

Ranjeet Shahi

Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789325796140
ISBN -10 C050
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JEE Mains and Advance is not another engineering entrance it’s the gateway to study in top Engineering Colleges in India including IITs. Last few years seems to have lots of changes in the pattern of the paper and exam of such caliber definitely needs a well versed approach before you hit the D-day. 41 Years’ Chapterwise Chapter wise previous year solved paper is one of the best-selling books that brings collection of last 40 years of question & answer and address all patterns of examination. The current edition of ‘41 Years’ Chapter wise and Topic wise Solved Paper’ provides knowledge about the subject (Chemistry) as it clarifies all the doubts and queries regarding the Laws, Equations reactions, rules and theories about the subject. The book has been divided into 33 chapters and each chapter is provided with ample no. of questions in their exercises that makes students familiar with the latest question paper pattern and also answer giving pattern, moreover all the answers of the questions have been explained in detail in an easy to understand language, andalso carriesJEE Main & Advanced solved papers 2019 which is going to help you in preparing for the forthcoming examination. You can also download the chapter tests for free so that so you preparation from anywhere and at any time. This 41 Years’ is one of the most trusted book for IIT- JEE aspirants who has the dreams to achieve good grades and taking admissions in the best colleges of engineering in India.

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