Geography Of India

ISBN: 9789355322128
785.00 510.25
Book Author

Majid Husain

Publisher Mc Graw Hill
ISBN -13 9789355322128
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Published first in 2008, the book is written mainly for candidates preparing for competitive examinations. It has become increasingly popular with each revised edition. The book is an established manual and of the bestsellers in the segment. It’s a widely read reference book that deals with relevant topics of India’s geographical landscape in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The book is updated thoroughly with the latest reforms in status of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. All the updates are inserted in the form of maps and statistical data. This edition comprehensively covers the current events, especially to mention Amphan Cyclone, COVID-19 situation in India, Locust Invasion, Vizag Gas Leak, CAA & NRC and much more. Varied topics covered are resources of India, different types of irrigation, cropping patterns of India, transport and public distribution system and food security, disasters and Government initiatives. It’s also being increasingly referred to by graduates and postgraduates of the subject and by researchers and academicians. 


• Completely revised book with latest amendments in India’s Administrative boundary for the newly designated UT of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
• Based on UPSC syllabus, strong in theoretical concepts, supplemented with original maps and diagrams
• Revised chapter on current affairs covering topics like mention Amphan Cyclone, COVID-19 situation in India, Locust Invasion, Vizag Gas Leak, CAA & NRC etc.
• Thoroughly revised content on NITI Aayog, Integrated watershed development programmes, Government schemes and initiatives and National New Mineral Policy 2019
• Thoroughly revised chapters on Regional development and planning, Agriculture, Minerals and Resources, Transport and Communication Systems in India
• Content presentation in the form of mind maps, flowcharts, tabular format and statistical techniques for better understanding 
• Includes around 200 chapter-wise multiple-choice questions for practice

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