भारतीय वायु सेना एयरमेंन ग्रुप 'X' ( तकनीकी ट्रेड्स )

ISBN: 9789324191793
295.00 177
Book Author
Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789324191793
ISBN -10 D075
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Indian Air Force invites online applications from unmarried male candidates for selection test to join as Airman in Group ‘X’ trades. The selection process involves All India Selection Tests. Applicants will have to compulsorily appear for Written Test followed by the Physical Fitness Test, Interview, Trade Allocation Test and Medical Test
Present book for Indian Air Force Airman Group X Technical Trades Exam has been devised to cover the complete syllabus for the Objective type Written Exam. Divided in 3 sections each sub-divided into subsequent chapters to provide in-depth understanding of each topic. Also, each topic includes ample number of questions from each topic for students to master the concept and succeed in exam.

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