Indian Air Force X & Y Group Technical & Non-Technical

ISBN: 9789324193179
335.00 201
Book Author
Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789324193179
ISBN -10 J812
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Indian Air Force invites online applications from eligible male candidates to appear in the online test for merit based selection of airmen in Group X (Technical) trades and Group Y (Non Technical) trades. Exam for Group X trades will comprise of English, Physics and Maths as per 10+2 CBSE pattern and exam for Group Y will comprise of English, Reasoning and General Awareness as per the guidelines. Present book is comprehensively devised to meet the complete preparation needs of Indian Air Force X & Y Group (Technical & Non- Technical Trades) Online Test, according to the latest test model. The book provides complete section wise coverage of the syllabus in 5 sections. Each section is further divided into logical topic heads with sufficient explanations and ample number of practice questions for conceptual clarity and clear understanding.
Enclosed with 3 practice sets, which are also available for free online practice on Web + Mobile the book will allow candidates to self- evaluate their preparation and make them comfortable with the online test model.

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