NTA UGC (NET/JRF/SET) मनोविज्ञान पेपर 2

ISBN: 9789325295155
585.00 333.45
Book Author
Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789325295155
ISBN -10 D556
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A great teacher is always a learner first. To ensure minimum standards of efficiency for the entrants in the teaching profession and Junior Research Fellowship, the National/State Eligibility Test (NET/SET) is held twice in a year. Psychology for UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) is a careful assimilation of complete study and practice material for the entrants. Comprehensively detailed chapter wise text from complete syllabus, according to the latest and revised syllabus, will open great future possibilities for the aspirants. Featured with over 4500 Chapterwise Objective Questions, based on the latest exam trends the book facilitates systematic learning.
Important facts and information are presented in box, Previous Years’ Questions and Model Papers make it a ladder to success in preparation of UGC NET/SET.

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