Indian Air Force AIRMAN Group 'Y' Non-Technical Trades

ISBN: 9789324191823
210.00 136.5
Book Author

Experts Compilation

Publisher Arihant Publications India
ISBN -13 9789324191823
ISBN -10 D078
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Indian Airforce (IAF) has released online applications for the post of Airman in Group ‘Y’ Trades (Non-Technical). All the eligible and interest unmarried men can apply for this examination.

Every year Indian Air Force conducts recruitment examination for the selection of Airmen Group ‘Y’ and the selection is based on 3 Stages – Written Test (Online), Physical Test and Medical Test.

‘Conquer The Sky’ is the series that is completely based on latest official Pattern and Syllabus of Online Exam. The current edition of “Indian Airforce Airmen Group – Y (Non-Technical Trades) is the complete Study Package which is prepared for the candidates who have applied for the upcoming exam. This guide is divided into chapters under the key subjects and the best part of this book is that the theory given about every chapter is in the form of ‘Notes’ that allows to understand the concepts quickly and clearly by educating the entire syllabus, with more than 3000 MCQs in a Chapterwise manner, and lastly it includes fully solved model paper (Official) and 3 Practice Papers that allows to self-evaluate and helps to maintain the progress level. Answer provided in the book are well explained in details and clears all the doubts and fears regarding the exam that helps in the boosting the confidence.

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