Master The NCERT For NEET Biology Vol-1

ISBN: 9789324196873
375.00 243.75
Book Author

Sanjay Sharma

Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789324196873
ISBN -10 C202
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While beginning, the preparation for Medical and Engineering Entrances, aspirants need to go beyond traditional NCERT textbooks to gain a complete grip over it to answer all questions correctly during the exam.

The revised edition of MASTER THE NCERT, based on NCERT Classes XI and XII, once again brings a unique set of all kinds of Objective Type Questions for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.

This book “Master the NCERT for NEET” Biology Vol-1, based on NCERT Class XI is a one-of-its-kind book providing 22 Chapters equipped with topic-wise objective questions, NCERT Exemplar Objective Questions, and a special separate format questions for NEET and other medical entrances. It also provides explanations for difficult questions and past exam questions for knowing the pattern. Based on a unique approach to master NCERT, it is a perfect study resource to build the foundation over NEET and other medical entrances.

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