Big Data and Hadoop

ISBN: 9789386551993
297.00 237.6
Book Author

Mayank Bhushan

Publisher BPB Publication
ISBN -13 9789386551993
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The book contains the latest trend in IT industry ‘BigData and Hadoop’. It explains how big is ‘Big Data’ and why everybody is trying to implement this into their IT project.

It includes research work on various topics, theoretical and practical approach, each component of the architecture is described along with current industry trends.

Big Data and Hadoop have taken together are a new skill as per the industry standards. Readers will get a compact book along with the industry experience and would be a reference to help readers.

Overview Of Big Data, Basics of Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System, HBase, MapReduce, HIVE: The Dataware House Of Hadoop, PIG: The Higher Level Programming Environment, SQOOP: Importing Data From Heterogeneous Sources, Flume, Ozzie, Zookeeper & Big Data Stream Mining, Chapter-wise Questions & Previous Years Questions

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