Photoshop CC in Simple Steps

ISBN: 9789388425247
349.00 279.2
Book Author
Publisher DreamTech Press
ISBN -13 9789388425247
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Photoshop CC In Simple Steps provides an in-depth, step-by-step approach to learn and master the skills required to work with Photoshop. This book focuses on the key concepts of vector drawing in Photoshop. The book begins with an introduction to all the new and enhanced features of Photoshop CC, such as Select and Mask workspace, Variable font, OpenType SVG fonts, Curvature Pen Tool, and Frame Tool. An easy-to-understand and systematic approach that starts from the basics, supplemented with practical examples and screenshots, makes the book unique. The content of this book is presented in such a way that it will be equally helpful to the beginners as well as the professionals.

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