Review of Microbiology & Immunology

ISBN: 9789352709328
995.00 696.5
Book Author

Apurba Sankar Sastry

Sandhya Bhat K

Publisher Jaypee Brothers Medical
ISBN -13 9789352709328
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This revised edition is prepared in such a manner that will help the 2nd year MBBS students to prepare for their MBBS exam as well as for the PG entrances. The chapter review part of each chapter is revised and updated in such a way that by studying this book, the students can easily solve the long essays, short notes of MBBS exams as well as MCQs of various PG entrances.
Key Features
• All the chapters have been updated with the latest epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and treatment. Each chapter contains Chapter Review, Recent 2015-2018 MCQs with detailed explanations, and biomedical waste management rules 2016 (with 2018-19 amendment) included.

• NEET Pattern 2019 MCQs added as a separate chapter in the beginning.

• All recent information, such as Zika Virus, EBOLA virus, Polio eradication, Dengue vaccine, Vaccine-derived Polio Viruses (VDPVs), MERS-CoV, and updates in bacterial drug resistance, etc. have been incorporated.

• Newer sterilization indicators, CSSD, newer automations (MALDITOF, VITEK, BacT/ALERT VIRTUO), newer molecular methods (LAMP, Real-time PCR, Biofire FilmArray, etc.) included.

• MRSA, VRSA, VRE, Pneumococcal vaccines, DPT vaccine, epidemiology of meningococcal meningitis, tuberculosis (GeneXpert, MGIT, TrueNat, Drug Susceptibility Testing methods, latest RNTCP guidelines), melioidosis, scrub typhus, yaws eradication program have been thoroughly updated.

• Laboratory diagnosis, treatment and PEP of HBV and HCV updated thoroughly.

• Nipah virus (including the Kerala outbreak, 2018), poliomyelitis (update in vaccine schedule, epidemiology and end game strategy) included.

• Hospital Infection Control chapter has been thoroughly updated with topics such as biomedical waste (2016 guideline, with 2018-19 amendment), needle stick injury, antimicrobial stewardship and environmental surveillance.

• Recent questions included from NEET PG Pattern (till 2019), AIIMS (2005-2018 Nov), PGI (2005-2018 Nov), JIPMER (2005-2018 Nov), DNB Pattern (till 2019), and latest MCQs from other national and state entrances.

• Image-based question bank is further strengthened with new images (more than 500 images are included in respective chapters).

• Fully updated with latest references from Harrison (19th/e & 20th/e), Park (24th/e), Jawetz (27th/e), Apurba Sastry’s Essentials of Medical Microbiology (2nd/e), Apurba Sastry’s Essentials of Medical Parasitology (2nd/e), and Ananthanarayan (10th/e).

• Only MCQ book on Microbiology written by the subject specialists and textbook authors.

• Thoroughly revised and updated in full color layout.

• Chapterwise concise text in a new layout for enabling the students to study antegrade manner and important points given in separate boxes.

• Chapterwise MCQs with detailed explanations given from previous year exams of National and State exams including DNB and NEET pattern questions.

• Separate Annexures section containing important exam-oriented rapid-fire topics.

• More emphasis is given to the sections, like Immunology, Parasitology and Mycology.

• Contains lots of tables, flowcharts, mnemonics which help the students for better recall.

• Author online support for clarification of doubts.
Target Audience
• A must-buy for All India, AIIMS, PGI, JIPMER, DNB, FMGE and state entrance exams.

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