BSc. Agriculture Entrance Exam

ISBN: 9789327191691
575.00 345
Book Author
Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789327191691
ISBN -10 D161
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Agriculture in India is the vital part because large part of the population depends on it. During the last few years agriculture industry has shown rising graph and it can further be improved if science, technology and rational minds are combined together. All India Entrance Examination for admission is a national level examination conducted by Indian Council of Agriculture – 4 year undergraduate programme. This present edition is a concise self-study guide for aspirants that provides complete coverage on physics, chemistry,mathematics, biologyand agriculture science.This book is comprises of proper theory asper latest syllabus more than 2500 MCQs, 6 Model Test paper and mental ability tests are according to other universities exam pattern. This comprehensive self-study guide that promises to help those candidate who want to make carrier in agricultural field.

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