Face To Face MAT With 26 Years Solved Papers

ISBN: 9789364370134
725.00 435
Book Author
Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789364370134
ISBN -10 J121
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Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a national level entrance test for admission to MBA and associated programmes in several Business schools of the country. It is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year in February, May, September and December.

Face to Face MAT has been revised carefully for eligible candidates who are appearing for the upcoming examination of MAT. An ample amount of solved papers from 2018 to 2011 has been provided at the beginning of the book to enhance the understanding of the exam pattern. Thereafter it is divided into five major sections namely English Language, Mathematical Skills, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, and Indian and Global Environment with their relevant chapters for clearer concepts. It covers topicwise questions from 22 years’ solved papers from 2018 to 1997.

Based on the latest syllabus and providing such huge amount of solved papers, this book is a perfect study manual assuring success at your upcoming examination.

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