Magbook Indian Polity & Governance

ISBN: 9789313197416
260.00 174.2
Book Author

Experts Compilation

Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789313197416
ISBN -10 J359
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When it comes to the preparation of the examinations like UPSC and State PCS students need to have solid yet precise knowledge about the subjects from the point of view of exam. ARIHANT’s MAGBOOK provides all the study material in a concise and brief manner which is easy to digest by the students Magbook series is 2 in 1 series i.e. it’s a combination of magazines and books that offers unique advantages of both as it comprehensively covers syllabus of General Science of UPSC and State PCS Preliminary Examination. It is useful for the aspirants as it covers all the topics of the syllabus in a concise and notes format to help students in easy remembrance and quick revision. This series covers every topic of Polity and Governance in an easy-to-understand language which helps students grasp the topics easily and quickly. It focuses on the trends of questions of Previous Years’ Civil Services Exams, Chapter-wise practice questions are given with more than 3,000 MCQs which covers the whole syllabus, Subject wise detailed explanations of Previous Years’ Civil exams (2019-2010) and 5 practice sets are also provided in the book that help the students to know latest pattern of the paper as well as its difficulty level. This book is a must for the civil services aspirants as it help them to move a step ahead towards their aim.

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