Post Independence India

ISBN: 9789353162726
195.00 146.25
Book Author

Sonali Bansal

Publisher Mc Graw Hill
ISBN -13 9789353162726
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With UPSC’s increasing focus on this aspect of Indian history, this book brings with it examination centric yet comprehensive content on Post independence Indian. The book focuses on portions important for the examination offering a precise yet immensely useful aid to prepare for the UPSC and state Services examinations. The presentation is simple and student friendly and the chapters are arranged in a deeply chronological and story-like manner to make for an interesting reading and easy retention.
Key Features:
1. Exam-centric book for Prelim, Main and Interview
2. Holistic approach
3. Balance between Facts and Analysis
4. Multi-dimensional analysis 
5. Well organized and structured material 
6. Learner-friendly presentation

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