The Ultimate Guide for NIFT/NID/IIFT Entrance Examination

ISBN: 9789325298484
655.00 393
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Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789325298484
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One certain thing in the fashion world is change. Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. Katherine Hamnett, a Top British Fashion designer describes fashion as “Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand”. Some of the top Institution like NIFT, NID and IIFT conduct their respective entrance exams to provide lucrative and flourishing careers in fashion designing. The Ultimate Guide for NIFT/ NID/ IIFT leads you to the path of fashion and its design, comprehensively covering all the syllabus of almost all the universities and Institutions which are offering the bachelors and masters courses in Fashion Designing. The book carries complete study material that covers both Undergraduate and Postgraduate entrance examinations. It has been divided into Seven Sections which are further divided into chapter as per the syllabi and exam pattern. The explanation of each section has well elaborated leave no stones untouched in a lucid manner. After each section 2 Sections Tests provided for the quick revision of the concepts, ample number of MCQs have been provided and for the complete practice 3 Practice Sets have been provided at the end of the book, Detailed Solved Paper 2020 have been provided to give hint to the level and types of questions they come in the exams.

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