UGC NET/SET पेपर-1 शिक्षण शोध अभिवृत्ति सामान्य प्रश्न पत्र

ISBN: 9789326191456
445.00 253.65
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Experts Compilation

Publisher Arihant Publications
ISBN -13 9789326191456
ISBN -10 J036
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Teaching and Research Aptitude is the first, and the compulsory paper of NTA UGC NET examining the reasoning ability, comprehension, and general awareness of the candidates. Thus, one must understand each topic covered in it to score maximum marks.

"NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching & Research Aptitude General Paper 1" has been revised as per the updated syllabus applicable from June 2020 onwards for aspirants who are opting for National Eligibility Test (NET) 2020 for the post of either Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Assistant Professor both in Indian Universities. It is divided into 10 Units which are sub-divided into several sub-topics, covering complete syllabus in an easy-to-understand language supported by figures, diagrams etc. More than 3000 MCQs have been given as a whole. Units and chapters are incorporated with the last 9 years' questions. It includes 5 practice papers based on the latest pattern with online practice as well and provides solved papers of 2018 for knowing the trends of questions. Packed with well-structured and comprehensive study material, it is a must have book for anyone who wants to score well on General Paper 1 of NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET 2020

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