Indian Army ACC Entrance Exam

ISBN: 9789313160991
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Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789313160991
ISBN -10 D086
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Army Cadet College (ACC) is a wing of Indian Military Academy responsible for providing three years of an intense training to the Indian Soldiers to transform them into Officer for Indian Army.

Conducting the Indian Army Entrance Exam twice in a year, it selects candidates from serving soldiers of Indian Army, Navy and Air Force through a selection process which undergoes three phases of tests namely Written Phase, SSB Interview and Medical Test.

 The first gate of entry i.e., Written Test consists of four papers revolving around the topics like General Mental Ability, Current General Awareness, Interactive Communicative English and Academic Contest Test respectively.

The new edition of Indian Army ACC Entrance Exam is a Complete Study Package for aspirants preparing for the forthcoming exam. It covers the Chapterwise Theory of the entire subjects along with more than 3500 Multiple Choice Questions to give a focused conceptual understanding to the aspirants. Model Papers have also been given for the self-assessment. Structured as per latest syllabus and exam pattern, it will support aspirants greatly with its ample amount of study material.  

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