Self Study Guide for LLB Entrance Examination

ISBN: 9789327192803
575.00 345
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Experts Compilation

Publisher Arihant Publication
ISBN -13 9789327192803
ISBN -10 D005
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Choosing profession like Law especially in a country like India, then comes it with great sense responsibility and duty because law making bodies are most trusted in this country. LLB is 3 year bachelor degree course which is done right after class XII, many institutions are conducted their own entrance examinations. Presenting to you SELF TSUDY GUIDE LLB ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2020 – this book is specially designed for the aspirants. It gives the complete coverage of Legal Aptitude, Indian Constitution, English Language, Numeral Ability, Reasoning Ability, General Knowledge.In this book questions are framed exactly based on the latest examination pattern, Solved paper 2019 is also provided with well explained & detailed solutions, Notifications, Paper pattern and How to attempt questions are also been mentioned. It is highly useful for the entrance examinations of NLU, NLSTU, RMNLU, MNLU, DU, BHU, IPU, JamiaMiliaIsalmia, & others National Law Universities. Let this book act like a stepping stone for the success of LLB.

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